Facts & Figures
Insights - the Tyrol as a center of technological innovation
- 746,153 Inhabitants (January 2017); Source: Statistics Austria
- 1 of 9 provinces of Austria, located in Western Austria
- 12,648 km² total area
- 1,503 km² area of settlement absolute resp. 11.89 %, Source: Statistics Austria, GAW
- 18 km2 of fully completed and well equipped business- and industrial area, Source: Location Agency Tirol
Economic Data
- 43,776 companies are members of Tyrol Economic Chamber; Source: Austrian Economic Chamber
- 2,841 new company foundations in 2017; Source: Austrian Economic Chamber
- Occupation rate 2016 up 1.8 % on the previous year; Source: Statistics Austria , UniCredit Bank Austria Economics & Market Analysis Austria
- over 400,000 employed persons in 2016; Source: Austrian Economic Chamber
- € 32,500 million regional gross value in 2016; Source: Statistics Austria
- Gross regional product per capita in 2016:
€ 43,700 (cp. Austrian average € 39,400); Source: Austrian Economic Chamber - Growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2017 (prognosis): 2.4 % in Tirol, highest growth among Austria’s nine federal states together with Vorarlberg; cp. Austria 1.8 %; Source: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
- Export quota 2016 (prognosis): 37.9 %; Source: Statistics Austria , UniCredit Bank Austria Economics & Market Analysis Austria
- Overnight Stays: 47.5 million in 2016; this is over 30 % of all overnight stays in Austria.
Research and Development (R&D) Data
- Research rate or expenditures on R&D as percentage of GDP in 2015:
3.14 % (cp. Austria 3.02%; cp. EU-28 2.03%); Source: Statistics Austria - Change in research expenditure from 2013 - 2015: + 7 %
- Total expenditures on R&D in Tirol during 2015:
€ 975 million – 9.3 % of Austria´s expenditures; Source: Statistics Austria - Company expenditures on R&D in Tirol during 2015:
€ 619 million – 8.33 % of Austria´s expenditures by the business enterprise sector - Expenditures on R&D in Tirol per capita 2015:
€ 1,325; third position behind Vienna and Styria; Source: Statistics Austria - Financing of R&D-expenditures in Tirol during 2015:
company sector 48.9 % (€ 477 million), public sector 38 % (€ 371 million), foreign countries including international organisations 11.2 % (€ 109.6 million), European Union 1.3 % (€ 12.4 million), private non-commercial sector 0.5 % (€ 5 million) - R&D-employees (Full Time Equivalents) in total in Tirol in 2015:
5,724; + 4.6 % compared to 2013 - 146 issued patents and utility models by IPC in year 2016; Source: Austrian Patent Office, GAW.
University R&D Bodies
- University Innsbruck
- Medical University Innsbruck
- UMIT, private university for health sciences, medical informatic and technics
- Management Center Innsbruck (MCI)
- University of Applied Sciences Kufstein
- University of Applied Sciences Tyrol (Health), Innsbruck
For further information see our Data and Facts-Sheet.