Marcus Hofer
CEO of Standortagentur Tirol
Marcus Hofer is the CEO of the Standortagentur Tirol and CEO of the Incubator for academic Startups of the tyrolean universities (Gründungszentrum Start Up Tirol).
Marcus works for Standortagentur Tirol since 2002. In these 16 years he was responsible for regional development (esp. setup of regional innovation systems), funding programs and investors service. With private and public partners he built up the startup ecosystem in Tirol. Since 2016 he is CEO of the regional Incubator for academic startups and since 2017 of the Standortagentur Tirol. Besides that he is lecturer at the University of Innsbruck and the Management Center Innsbruck. Last but not least he is member in the executive board of the austrian association of technology centers.
Qualifications include Doctor in Law (University of Innsbruck) and Magister in Law (University of Innsbruck).