Thomas Ammerl
Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR) GmbH
Hosted by ERRIN & Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes
Thomas Ammerl is Head in the Unit of Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR).
Since 2007, Thomas is part of BayFOR and the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency ( He has 20 years of experience in developing and managing European RDI projects, with European and international partners from academia, industry, public authorities etc. Before joining BayFOR, Thomas has been affiliated to the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) where he wrote his PhD on urban-ecological challenges of the city of Havana. Multiannual research stays in Havana created his strong relationships to Latin America. Before this experience, Thomas was for five years employee of two SMEs in Berlin (ASUM, TOPOS) with a focus on urban rehabilitation, and urban planning.