Konstantin Schneider
VDI/VDE-IT GmbH / Cluster Agency Baden-Württemberg
Konstantin Schneider is consultant at the VDI/VDE-IT GmbH in Stuttgart. Since 2008 he is working on the topics cluster, cluster initiatives, regional innovation systems and regional development. In 2014 Konstantin Schneider started at VDI/VDE-IT as deputy head of the ClusterAgency Baden-Württemberg. Here the main focus of his work lies on the development of the cluster managements in Baden-Württemberg.
Konstantin Schneider also participating in the INTERREG-Project S3-4AlpsCLusters, in which the active role of cluster initiatives in the development and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) is seen as an important requirement to improve regional innovation activities.
At the INTERREG-Project TRANSALP he analysis value chains of the phytopharmaceutical industry in the Alpine Space. The objective of the project is to foster a sustainable growth for respective farmers in the rural Alpine Region by matching their challenges with the needs of innovative phytopharma manufactures.