Daniel Alexandru Cosnita
President of the Romanian Cluster Association
Graduated both as an engineer and economist, Daniel Cosnita has been working in the last 15 years in the fields of technology transfer and innovation, regional economic development and clusters. Since 2008 he has been supporting the Romanian Ministry for Economy in the generation of the national cluster policy, by performing the cluster mapping exercise at national level, contributing to the elaboration of the Guide of Applicants of the financing schemes dedicated to the poles of competitiveness. Currently he is acting as an expert for the Romanian Ministry of Economy in the elaboration of the new industrial policy document, or the Armenian Ministry of Economy in the elaboration of the National Innovation Strategy as well as an international innovation expert in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has supported the Ministry of Education and Research in the elaboration of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Romania.
In the frame of a DTP Project, “Danubiovalnet”, Daniel is supporting the establishment of biobased value chains in the Danube region while in the frame of INTERREG Europe Clusterix 2.0 he has been contributing to the transfer of international best practices followed by the elaboration in cooperation with the Ministry of Research and Innovation of a cluster financing scheme (2017). He acted as a consultant for the Algerian government in setting up a national network of business incubators and for the Turkish government in the elaboration of the national cluster strategy.
Since 2011 he has been the president of the Romanian Cluster Association. He has been a member of the Export Council of Romania since 2011 and of the National Council for Technology Transfer and Innovation since 2016. He is a member of the Cluster Excellence Working Group of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and of the Reasearch & Innovation and Cluster Working Groups of the Enterprise Europe Network.