Jonas Bergholm
usiness Developer Small and Medium-sized Companies at Region Skane, Sweden
ERRIN & Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes
Jonas holds a master’s degree from Lund’s University and he has a background in establishing a company within the creative industries. He currently works as a Regional Development Manager at Region Skåne in Sweden since 2014. Jonas has a wide range of responsibilities in the areas of innovation eco-systems, SME growth and regional cluster development. The focus now is to direct towards the implementation of the regional cluster development programme and smart specialisation processes.
With an eco-system approach, he is building structures and cross-sectorial relationships between innovation actors, both on regional and international levels. His roles also include implementing various transnational and interregional collaborative initiatives, such as Interreg Europe project Clusterix 2.0 and The Greater Copenhagen platform. Jonas is nurturing regional and international relationships between actors to enhance growth and innovation in Skåne and Europe.