Benedikt Sedlmayr
Consultant at VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH
Benedikt Sedlmayr is consultant at VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH in Stuttgart. Since 2014 he has been working in the area of economic promotion thereby focusing on cluster- and innovation-based regional development. At the beginning of 2017, he started at the VDI/VDE-IT headquarter in Berlin in the department “International Technology Cooperations and Clusters”, where he, among other things, has been working for the German cluster excellence program “go-cluster” of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
In 2018, Benedikt moved to the VDI/VDE-IT office in Stuttgart, where he supports the ClusterAgency Baden-Württemberg in the development and professionalisation of cluster initiatives. Furthermore, his main occupational field lies in the development of regional innovation strategies.
Benedikt is also participating in the INTERREG-Project S3-4AlpClusters, where the active role of cluster initiatives for the development and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in the Alpine Space regions is seen as an important requirement in order to improve regional innovation activities.